- 7032312362
- 8-2-248/1/7/26/1, S.N.R Towers, Nagarjuna Hills, Himalaya book World opposite, Panjagutta
Psoriatic Arthritis develops as a Complication to psoriasis. It may develop individually without psoriasis. Psoriasis is a long lasting Autoimmune disease which is characterized by patches of normal Skin. These skin patches are typically red, itchy and scaly (Silvery Scales). This disease changes the life cycle of the Skin cells. Psoriasis causes cells to build up rapidly on the surface of the Skin. Paches sually seen on elbows, knees, Scalp, face. palms & feet. Thus we have an autoimmune Skin Condition and also an Arthritis involving in this picture. Psoriatic Arthritis is a chronic disease characterized by a form of inflammation of skin (psoriaas) and joints (inflammatory arthritis). Approximately 10.%%-15% of patients who have Psoriasis also develop an associated inflammation of their Joints.
As per Ayurveda, each patient of psoriatic Arthritis rends a different approach as the etiology and pathdogy are Variable. Vata/ kapha / Rakta vitiation is the basic pathology and needs a holistic approach to treat. Psoriatic Arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that is Chronic and progressive, which affects skin and joints characterized by osteolysis.
Dactylitis, enthesitis, Osteoperiostitis, and large joint oligoartonitis.
Genetic- Genes identified in psoriatic Arthritis. Include HLA-B/C, HLA-B; IL-12B.
Immunological caused by raised tumor necrosis factor levels in joints and affected skin that could overwhelm the Immune system.
Psoriatic Arthritis is a chronic disease and its symptoms resemble the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Some of the prominent features of the condition are as follows:
The fingus may become painful and develop Swelling and deformities before the development of Significant joint symptoms.
Due to the aching tendons and ligament of the foot which surround the joint area.
It occurs due to the inflammation of the joints of the Vertebral area in the Spine.
There are Various patterns in which Psoridic Arthritis appears and affects people They are listed and defined as follows:
→ It is a type of proristic arthritis, in which both the joints of the same side are affected. It can be told as both left joints or single joints. It is milder for general with almost 35 percent of psoriatic Artritis cases.
→ To be precise it is assymmetrical Oligoarticular artritis. It was considered the most prevalent type of psoriasis arthritis for a long time
→ The Characteristic Sausage like appearance of the fingers and toes as in dactylitis happens in these patients but asymmetrically. The inflammation starts at the digits of the fingers of both hands and feet, along side the tendons.
→The knee jointy is also seen being affected. The flerions get affected too. Lesser than 5 joints are affected in this type de psoriasis arthritis.
→ This is a condition in which the same joints are Symericaly attacked from both Sides This looks like theumatoid arthritis Bore deformity and impact on the bones of au both law and mild Almast so perint psoriatic cutritis Cafes me of this kind
→ This is a Severe type of than fou joints Commen arthritis in which nore are involved and is also the most common
→The inflammation of distal interphalanged joints, the Symerical pattern, the absence of deep lestons, and also testing negative for the rheumatoid factor.
Psoriatic dactyliti’s arthritis brings belong with it Spondylin’s, and enthusitis, tragen they seem individi They are given the namy boyed on the triget attacking sites & psoriatic artritis in our body.
9:30 AM – 5:30 PM
9AM to 1:30PM