Skin Care Treatment with Ayurveda

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The doctors at KNR HERBS are dedicated and highly experienced. They believe in serving humanity and make sure they use 100% side effect free herbal and natural remidies to make their patients feel better.

Living Healthy KR Herbs skin care

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Ayurvedic treatment by KR Herbs Skin Care is Best Management to Psoriasis

One Vision One Mission Changing The World Together With The KR Herbs Skin Care

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Welcomr to

Kr Herbs Skin Care Center

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The term Ayurveda means “Knowledge of Life” so Ayurveda principles are used to restore life and balance. The system is based on the idea that there are 5 elements that make up 3 Doshas, or life forces of the body each person has a dominant dosha that shapes their physical constitution and personality. Diseases occurs when there is an imbalance in the doshas. This imbalance is caused by life style, diet, stress, exercise and pollution, which affect the bodies activities and lead to disease.

Skin serves as our primary protection from the environmental toxins and pathogens surrounding us. The health of our skin reflects our internal balance .Our clinic offers a variety of natural remedies for all skin problems. From Ayurveda’s perspective, skin disrupting toxins arise from excess rakta dhatu(blood tissue),which together with rasa dhatu (plasma) nourishes the skin. Rakta dhatu becomes imbalanced when we ingest heating foods, imbibe alcohol or other liver irritants, endure intense sun exposure, work excessively or experience intense negative emotions.

Herbal attantives at KR Herbs skin care, which are taken intendly are primarily cooling and have bitter and astringent tastes. Along with cleansing the blood and healing the skin, they also kill bacteria and reduce fever.


Ayurvedic Immunization

Swarnaprashana is a potent immunization method men- tioned in Ayurvedic Classical Text. This was proved by Acharya Kashyapa thousands of years ago. Such type of Ayurvedic immunization is similar to the modern day vac- cination.

Besides building immunity against diseases it also boosts Medha (Intellect), Agni (Digestive fire), Bala(Strength), Ayu (Life), Vrushya etc. In practice swarnaprashana is given once in a month on the DAY of PUSHYAMI NAKSHTRA.


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Ayurvedic Skin Care Treatment:

Harnessing Ancient Wisdom for Radiant Skin

Dhanwantari is considered a mythical deity born with ambrosia in one hand and Ayurveda on the other at the end of the churning of milk ocean. He reincarnated himself in the Chandra dynasty. He was born to King Dhanwa, learnt Ayurveda from Bharadwaja.

At KR HERBS skin care, our team places a primary emphasis on addressing these facets of illness with the ultimate objective of supporting your body.

properly remove toxins, wastes &impurities from body

Lower stress

Restore balance & hormony

Build resistance of disease

Steps to Get Your Personalised Ayurvedic Treatment

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The doctors at Kr Herbs works on root-cause treatment and offer customized treatment

Book an Appointment

The doctors at KR HERBS skin care are dedicated and highly experienced. They believe in serving humanity and make sure they use 100% side effect free herbal and natural remidies to make their patients feel better.

Opening Hours


9:30 AM - 5:30 PM


9AM to 1:30PM

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