Exploring Eczema:

Causes and Complexities

Psoriatic Arthritis

Eczema Unveiled: Exploring the Complexities of Non-Infectious Skin Inflammation and Its Mysterious Origins

Eczema is a non-infectious inflammation of the skin characterized by erythema, scaling, edema, vesiculations, and oozing. The term eczema has been used for many centuries to designate various rapidly developing durmatoses conditions. In various stages of the study of eczema, the principal role in its cause and pathogenesis was attributed to the nervous system, the endocrine glands, the allergic state of the body, hereditary factors, and other causes. But it is admitted that the cause and even the pathogensis of eczema are extremely complicated and are still unknown in many of their aspects.

Causes :

Basically two factors cause eczema

Other causes of eczema:

The general predisposing causes are age, family predisposition, allergy, debility, climate, and physiological factors. Familial sensitivitiness or genetic predisposition is major factor for the prevalence of eczemas in some individuals General debility lowers the resistance of the individual and may cause есzеmа. Climatic conditions like heat, cold, moisture, and other psychological stress and strain may be a provocative factor. Besides this various other causes like Chemicals, plant material, cosmetics, clothing, infectious organism and even  medicaments etc. may also contribute in a significant way in causation as well as worsening of this complaint.

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As per Ayurveda Causes of eczema include:

Regarding causes, Ayurveda enlists general causes of skin diseases themselves as the cause for vicharchika(eczema)

Etiological factors (Causes) of Skin disorders and hence of Vicharchika as mentioned in different Ayuvedic texts may be classified into following groups.

a) Ahara Hetu ( Food Concerned )

b) Vihara Hetu ( Habit Concerned )

c) Achara Hetu ( Conduct/mental shafry conceived )

Foods that cause Skin Diseases

  • Virudha Ahara – incompatible food Combinations
  • Intake of food mostly coordinating like Barley varieties, Blackgram Varieties, milk, curd, buttermilk, horse gram, blackgram, and oil.
  • Intake of Radish and garlic with cold milk.

Habits That cause Skin Diseases

  • Physical exercise and taking sun bath after heavy meals.
  • Sexual intercourse during indigestion.
  • Regular sleep in the day.
  • To do exercise or to perfom sexual intercorse after Snehapana (internal oleation) and Vamana (emesis).
  • Entering into cold water immediately after one is affected with fear exhaustion and Sunlight.
  • With holding of the natural urges.

Ayurvedic Perspective

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It is believed that eczema develops when your doshas are out of balance. Ayuveda's goal is to balance them through natural herbs. It aims to cleanse the body, which is said to eliminate the toxins that lead to eczema symptoms. At KNR Herbs, eczema can be treated with different herbal preparation. Which aim at cure  of eczema.

The doctors at KR HERBS skin care are dedicated and highly experienced. They believe in serving humanity and make sure they use 100% side effect free herbal and natural remidies to make their patients feel better.

Opening Hours


9:30 AM – 5:30 PM


9AM to 1:30PM

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